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The Motown Sound on Wheels - by Rockin' Richard Houston

The Motown Sound on Wheels - by Rockin' Richard Houston

SKU: motownbook

"Over 100 years people have been Roller skating on the street on concrete and at parks. Roller skate wheels have been around in different forms, Wooden, Metal, Plastic, and Rubber. Roller skating has been what some would call a fad throughout the years. During the 60's and 70's things like Disco and Rap and the Motown sound had skaters starting to develop a rhythm- a strong repeated pattern of movement with a beat and it became stronger and stronger through the years.


Now we're in the 21st century and skaters are rolling almost all over the world. Now roller skating is soon to be in the Olympics. With Social Media, you can see different skating forms from all over the country. One place that caught the roller skating bug early was in Detroit, Michigan, better known as Motown. Detroiters take Roller skating as serious as Cancer. You can find skaters Rolling 6 to 7 times per week, going from city to city and state to state, enjoying the benefits of the sport. In the near future you're going to see many different variations of skating techniques come to life. "


-Rockin' Richard Houston (back of book text)


    Enriching the experience of skaters and non-skaters alike, by increasing appreciation for the accomplishments and rich history of roller skating.

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    ©2024 National Museum of Roller Skating

    Museum Address:

    4730 South St.

    Lincoln, NE, 68506

    Museum Phone:

    402-483-7551 x. 1203

    Museum Hours:

    Tuesday - Friday,

    11am to 4pm

    July Hours

    11 am to 4 pm

    Monday - Saturday

    Admission is Free.

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